Empowering Minds, Shaping Futures

Our Motto

Ad Alta Per Laborem.
(To the heights by hardwork)

Our Vision

To be a leading institution in providing quality education for life.

Our Mission

To empower the child in realizing their God given potential.

Discover the Legacy of Nairobi Primary School

Nairobi Primary School, established in 1902 to cater for the families of the Imperial British East Africa Company (IBEAC) and later the European Settler Community and was located on the grounds of the current Railways Club and Green Park Matatu Terminus. In 1916 the school moved temporarily to a new site near the current day United Kenya Club next to St. Paul’s Catholic University Chapel and was known as Nairobi European School.

In 1929, the Senior Boys moved to the grounds near Kabete and became Prince of Wales School later renamed Nairobi School. The ground floor of the Tuition Block became the Primary Section while the upstairs were reserved for the Senior Girls. Boarding blocks for the Senior girls were then situated at the current University of Nairobi Women Halls of Residence while those of the Primary children were situated at the present-day Girls Block In 1938, the Senior girls moved to Kileleshwa Hill which is present day Kenya High School.

In 1939, on the outbreak of the 2nd World War, the school was temporarily taken over by the Armed Forces and used as a transit camp. Some plaques of honor from the time still adorn our virtual STEM lab as you can see on the walls.
In 1959, during the Congo Leopoldville (present day DRC) rebellion, the school accommodated 2,000 Belgian refugees at the request of the Belgian Government through their representative in Kenya.

The school was initially an all-whites public school but on attainment of Kenya’s independence it became a multi racial school and opened its doors to all children irrespective of race, color or religion and was renamed Nairobi Primary School in 1966.

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